Try the political quiz

26 Replies

 @9GKZF7B disagreed…6mos6MO

Top Disagreement

i think rather they can vote or not is based on how harsh of a crime they do and even if a its a minor crime i think if they have multiple charges ban them from voting for a sum of time

 @9GTWWW3Justice party member from Virginia agreed…6mos6MO

i think rather they can vote or not is based on how harsh of a crime they do and even if a its a minor crime i think if they have multiple charges ban them from voting for a sum of time

 @9GMGC5Y from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

Well, I think if the criminal did his/her time and has proven to be a good person, they should be allowed to vote.

 @9GMG954Republican from Texas agreed…6mos6MO

i do not think they should have the right to vote no matter how harsh the crime is. if they broke laws made in american grounds, then they should not have the right to vote for someone who will be running our country, county, and state. it's not fair that criminals that don't care about laws should have the right to vote

 @9GMBVD7 from Virginia disagreed…6mos6MO

Criminals shouldn't be able to vote unless they have been fully cleared and are positive that they are no longer committing the crime

 @9GNQWMP from California disagreed…6mos6MO

Disfranchisement may be accomplished explicitly by law or implicitly through requirements applied in a discriminatory fashion, through intimidation, or by placing unreasonable requirements on voters for registration or voting

 @9GJ3Z83Republican from California disagreed…6mos6MO

I agree with the argument that you could be able to vote as a criminal after completing their sentences and parole/probation

 @9GGZV4Y from California disagreed…6mos6MO

Convicted Criminals should not have the right to vote even after they serve their sentence because they broke the laws of this country so how do we know they have the best interest for the country

 @9FRQRH7Republican from California disagreed…7mos7MO

no once a criminals is convicted they should never be allowed to vote . Becasue they are a criminal for life that did somthing wrong in this country.

 @9GP565FPeace and Freedom from Wisconsin disagreed…6mos6MO

No, because there should still be a limit on what people can do, if the crime is worse than there should be less the person can do.

 @9FPZSTC from Alabama disagreed…7mos7MO

Criminals that have committed a crime and not worthy of electing a US representative. Although they have a voice they have not lived in the real world for long enough.

 @9FT925VRepublican from California disagreed…7mos7MO

criminals shouldn't get to vote since they are troubling people and causing people around them not to feel safe.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…7mos7MO

That doesn’t affect their right to vote at all, and not every criminal is a horrible person trying to kidnap your kids. Their right to vote isn’t up for debate, that right doesn’t disappear because they are still a citizen, and as such are able to participate in society.

 @9FLVD46Republican from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

criminals shouldn't get to vote since they are troubling people and causing people around them not to feel safe

 @9FL7JXCRepublican from California disagreed…7mos7MO

NO. Criminals deserve no voting rights. There are laws in place for a reason. I would counter with the degree of crime committed. Unpaid parking tickets, traffic violations, etc are not the same category as lets say manslaughter or child trafficking.

 @9FLWT3MRepublican from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

Criminals should not have the right to vote because they did something wrong that got them put away for time no matter what the case was they were still in jail. Since they were away in jail they have no idea what is going on in the political world they may know some bits and pieces but they don't know all. So if they don't know what is going on why should they be allowed to vote.

 @9GPC2CPRepublican from Virginia disagreed…6mos6MO

I don't agree with that because why should someone who did something that caused them to go to prison be able to be apart of choosing who runs our government.


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