Try the political quiz

15 Replies

 @9D9JDC5 from California agreed…8mos8MO

I think that overall we should switch from the outdated and moralist "punishment" model to the intelligent, ethical, and up to date "rehabilitation model" for our legal system. While current prisons are INCREDIBLY UNETHICAL due to the abuse of inmates and use of slavery, I think that the only reason someone should be in prison anyways is because they are a danger to society. Someone who evaded taxes is not a danger to society, they're harmless and possibly a cool person.

 @MotivatedSheepDemocrat from Iowa disagreed…8mos8MO

The punitive aspect of the criminal justice system also serves as a deterrent. For example, the possibility of prison may dissuade potential tax evaders. While a tax evader may not pose a direct physical threat to society, large scale tax evasion can weaken public services, which society relies on, thereby indirectly putting people at risk. How would you propose we deter such non-violent but still harmful crimes in a rehabilitation-focused model?

 @9HLL7S9 from California disagreed…4mos4MO

No they should not because that's not fair to everyone else who has served their time for similar crimes

 @9FYNRM9 from Wisconsin agreed…7mos7MO

The number one reason why most prisoners are imprisoned is for drug charges. However, most drug dealers were raised into it and are just trying to provide for their family.

 @9G7N8GKIndependent from California disagreed…6mos6MO

Without rehabilitation, there will be reoffending, and without creating incentives to be better citizens along with release crime with increase


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