Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9GW9JXZPeace and Freedomagreed…6mos6MO

Waivers offer more flexibility as they permit states to provide optional benefits only to specific groups and to cap enrollment.

 @9FSVCCF from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

Life is always juggling things. It is important to care for one’s self as long as possible. The Nanny state isn’t healthy or helpful to people.

 @9FSVXL8Progressivefrom Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

In order to receive Medicaid, you shouldn't be required to work, it could be someone old or with disabilities, I understand the thought of the money going to someone who doesn't make any effort to work, but you never know the medical condition, or the mental condition they may be going through, finding a job can also to be easy, depending where you live, so I find it logical to help others who really need it, no matter if they work or not.


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