Try the political quiz

179 Replies

 @96PJZVM from New Jersey answered…2yrs2Y

Any conservative proliferation anti same sex marriage candidate . Not murphy

 @96PHHMF from New Jersey answered…2yrs2Y

 @93934XM from New Jersey answered…2yrs2Y

 @92T4VN2 from New Jersey answered…2yrs2Y

 @927FW4X from New Jersey answered…2yrs2Y

Murphy has done well. Some issues but he was new and to change would be like starting over. The other's will be there after his term.

 @9267Z3R from New Jersey answered…2yrs2Y

 @8Z7X4V5 from New Jersey answered…2yrs2Y

I agree with Ciattarelli most especially on policy, but I differ him heavily on abortion.


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