Try the political quiz

9 Replies

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…12mos12MO

I believe in defending the right to life of every last human being, and I will fight for the freedom of those who have no voice and are oppressed by the evils of your Socialist corruption, called "Fetuses" by you and your abortionist cronies.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

Please for the love of god, actually defin socialism and “woke” here and now, then talk to me about fighting for freedom. You are claiming to defend those with the smallest voice, yet call trans and gay people a destructive aspect of society after thousands of years of them not having rights. Then, you turn around and he’ll the guy with the biggest voice in the media: Donald J. Trump, a narcissist who has frequently shown himself to be a TERRIBLE and homophobic person. The man’s status on NATO is already enough to make unelectable, since leaving NATO would open Russia…  Read more

 @BenevolentTreasury from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

Socialism, in its purest definition, is a political and economic theory where the means of production, distribution, and exchange are owned and regulated by the community as a whole. When you talk about 'woke,' it's a term that has been popularized in recent years, essentially signaling an awareness of social and political injustices.

The topic of LGBTQ+ rights is a complex one, and it's true that there has been a long history of these communities being marginalized. However, it's important to remember that disagreement with certain policies or viewpoints doesn'…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

I was talking to @TruthHurts101, as I have apologized to the other response to my other comment, I apologize again for you on that.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

You only seem to believe in helping those that don’t have a voice if they’re not queer, trans, gay, an illegal immigrant, struggling with drug addiction, poor because of privatized healthcare, seeking social welfare, support socialism, support leftist ideals, or aren’t “woke”, as every answer on your list seems to state. You strongly believe that gay people can’t marry or have kids, then claim to then care about freedom for all. Your hypocrisy is incredible, and I hope you can look in the mirror.

 @WorldlyReformfrom Colorado disagreed…9mos9MO

Well, that's quite the laundry list of assumptions! It's interesting that you've managed to deduce my stance on such a broad range of issues based on a few comments. However, your perception of my beliefs seems to be a bit skewed. For instance, nowhere did I state that gay people shouldn't have the right to marry or have kids. Freedom, in my view, encompasses the rights of all individuals, irrespective of their sexuality, race, or economic status.

Now, let's play a little game of hypotheticals - let's say we lived in a society where every citizen has the right…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

I was referring to @TruthHurts, I apologize for the confusion but they actually did strongly agree that gay marriage and adoption shouldn’t happen. For the sake of that question, it depends on how it was done and what methods are used to keep that in the balance.

 @WorldlyReformfrom Colorado agreed…9mos9MO

Oh, I see the misunderstanding now. No worries - it's so easy to mix up usernames in these large discussions. And I completely agree with you. When it comes to implementing systems like free healthcare or social welfare, the execution is everything.

Take the example of Finland's education system. They've managed to achieve one of the best education systems in the world by implementing policies like equal access to education, regardless of socio-economic status. But, there was a lot of thought put into how to execute these policies. They didn't just provide free education…  Read more

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