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3 Replies

 @L3ftyCodyRepublican from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

I understand where you're coming from, but consider this: adoption. There are many loving families who are unable to have children of their own and are waiting for the opportunity to adopt. If a woman feels she cannot provide a good life for her child, adoption offers another option. What are your thoughts on this as an alternative to abortion?

 @9HGMXYXIndependent from Illinois commented…5mos5MO

Yeah i agree because if the father finna dip why we gotta take care of the baby WE DIDNT WANT...not only that but if the child is going to have a trumatic life why bring a baby into this world.

 @9GXXGW7 from New York commented…6mos6MO

Hmmm, maybe if the woman took responsibility in the bedroom with her partner, this discussion would not be happening.

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