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Do you support the use of nuclear energy?

Yes, but with public subsidy

 @9G9V623Libertarian  from Tennessee agreed…8mos8MO

Nuclear energy is safer than fossil fuel energy in the way that a significantly higher number of deaths are caused by fossil fuels such as coal. The few accidents that have occurred were mainly due to negligence and natural disasters. If more interest is taken into nuclear energy, safer technology will also increase. Making it a public subsidy will also make more people be involved in it and more open to it due to it being more cost effective as more in este ente are made into it.

 @9GC2M4Q from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

Nuclear energy has its negative effects, if you look at the Chernobyl incident that was pretty catastrophic and there are much safer alternatives such as solar energy and other renewable energy sources

 @Activi5tHarePeace and Freedomfrom Virgin Islands disagreed…8mos8MO

Chernobyl and Fukushima have raised valid concerns about nuclear energy, it is important to note that these were caused by aged technology and human error. Modern nuclear energy plants have numerous safety measures in place to prevent such disasters. Also, while solar energy is a great source of renewable energy, it is not yet capable of providing the amount of power that nuclear energy can. The Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station in Arizona generates more than 30 times the power of the largest solar farm in the United States.