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AXIOS: Top US officials worried about FIVE war threats; most dangerous moment in 78 years,

 @P0l1ticalPlatformPiperSocialistfrom Ohio commented…8mos8MO

Biden’s paranoid Axis of Evil speech connecting Hamas to Putin to Hitler shows why he’s more insidious and therefore dangerous than Trump. He’ll give Israel just as much diplomatic cover & as many GBU bombs as Trump or any GOP president would, but while empathizing with Muslims.

 @PonieSerenityLibertarian from Illinois commented…8mos8MO

It was a totally bizarre address. It would not give ordinary Americans any confidence that he is handling international relations well. Indeed, I found the switch from conciliatory to aggression quite fascinating. Biden has serious issues.

 @P0l1ticalPlatformPiperSocialistfrom Ohio commented…8mos8MO

I’m wondering whether this is a Biden behavior or uniparty behavior. I guess time will tell when it comes to vote for $100 billion to be given to Israel so that they can do whatever they’re going to do with Palestine in the surrounding countries.