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Because I think somebody should have the right an abortion if they were raped, are in an unstable living conditions, or it poses a health threat. It would be more harmful than keeping the baby alive. I would support pro-life if the government had a good foster/adoption system and support for low income families and compensation for medical hazards. If somebody is going to die from a baby or be permanently injured from it, they should have the right to choose.

 @9GH4KTYDemocrat from Oklahoma disagreed…7mos7MO

As you said you can’t imagine having an abortion and almost all people who get an abortion do not want to but they feel that they are not equipped enough to take care of a child or they are in danger because of being pregnant. Most people who have an abortion are having it very early in term not when the baby is fully grown. With a pro choice view of abortion you personally do not have to get an abortion because you feel that it is killing a child but someone who is going to be in harm because of being pregnant should have the opportunity to have one.

 @9GH7DRJ from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Abortion is necessary, life-saving healthcare. Victims of rape - even children - are being forced to carry out their pregnancy term, possibly fatal. Women with pregnancy complications are forced to wait till the brink of death to have their life saved. Even in the case of an accident, would you rather a child be raised in a family that is not capable - mentally or physically - of raising a child? Would you rather them be homeless, neglected, or abused? And why do you care more about a hypothetical baby - who has not been more - more than you care about a real, living woman?

 @9GH4TG8 from California disagreed…7mos7MO

There are many different types of abortions and they don't take place when the baby is fully grown, so it's not a real baby dying. I think that having an abortion is a woman's right. When people have kids they don't want or don't have the funds to take care it creates more pressing issues, like the foster care system. Overall I think that the decision to have an abortion should be up to the people giving birth not the government because that's weird.

 @9GH4NLH from California disagreed…7mos7MO

I feel like people should have the option and choice for when deciding to abort or not, the state shouldn't control that given right.

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