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4 Replies

 @9GVBW8B from Kansas disagreed…6mos6MO

Transgenders women should not compete in women's sports. Transgender men should not compete in men's sports.

 @9GVCK9C from New York disagreed…6mos6MO

A transgender women is still different biologically than a cisgender women Besides hormones levels there are other factors that affect someone's performance that can be better in men or women. There are many cases were transgender people are competing in a sport and dominating because of their biological advantages. Transgenders should have their own category of sports and shouldn't have to infringe on men and women's sports.

 @9GVCYRZ from Utah disagreed…6mos6MO

A man's body is built different than a woman's body. It has very little to do with the hormones and more about the actual structure difference in the two bodies.

 @9GV84MN  from Virginia agreed…6mos6MO

Agree. Hormone levels can give athletes an advantage, but so long as they are equal there is no unfair advantage and no reason to have gendered competitions.


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