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NY Governor launches online surveillance program

 @PunditMattLibertarian from North Carolina commented…7mos7MO

All of the governments and entities that have spent years trying to gain control of online speech and justify increased surveillance against citizens by citing "right-wing hate speech" are now exploiting what they claim are hateful criticisms of Israel and Jews to do the same.

 @BetrayedBlueStatefrom Florida agreed…7mos7MO

When you see stories like this you know they're scared that people are seeing what's really happening. Whenever disinformation and or misinformation are used by government, fact checkers and msm, you know they are trying to hide something.

 @PunditMattLibertarian from North Carolina commented…7mos7MO

Do we as a county really have a short term memory problem or a breaking information overload problem? Because I remember not too long ago when the people in charge kicked a sitting President off of every single social media platform within days of each other. Why does anyone keep voting these people in? Why does anyone think giving the government more control results in a safer world?