Try the political quiz

6 Replies

 @9H4QJGB from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

I think people should fight for the things they love. You're weak if you do not. But people should also make sure what they love is worth fighting for.

 @9H4QRGZ from Pennsylvania answered…6mos6MO

I believe that the people of their country should fight except for people who have disabilities or diseases or if a mother needs to take care of her children.

 @9H4QWX8 from New York answered…6mos6MO

Both groups claim the same area as their homeland, it is going to be so difficult to reach an agreement with everybody. The only resolution to the problem is the compromise, but both groups seem unwilling to do so.

 @9H4QLXF from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

it the angry of people and they thoughts of how they can keep doing this without feel hurt or sad for the loss of lives there.

 @9H4RN2Z from Rhode Island answered…6mos6MO

The central issues are territory, refugees, compensation and the status of Jerusalem

 @9H4SRYT from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

let them fight it out people have been cruisadeing for the "holy land" for years and if its worth that much to you then fight for what you beileive in