Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9HNMPDP from Virgin Islands answered…6mos6MO

The line draws very thin There are a lot of aspects in situations where it is best for overall people but it’s not morally right. A lot of what America or in the United States does to get things done fast and efficient manner is always an often not good for the overall people. The government policies should adhere to moral standards to an extent. An extent for human rights and not religious aspects. Individual beliefs should not counter over overall morals. Rights and equality should be implemented and policies. but the individual beliefs shouldn’t impact the overall impact of these individuals

 @9HNMJ86 from Delaware answered…6mos6MO

The line draws very thin There are a lot of aspects in situations where it is best for overall people but it’s not morally right. A lot of what America or in the United States does to get things done fast and efficient manner is always an often not good for the overall people. The government policies should adhere to moral standards to an extent. An extent for human rights and not religious aspects. Individual beliefs should not counter over overall morals. Rights and equality should be implemented and policies. but the individual beliefs shouldn’t impact the overall impact of these individuals. Such as for example abortion all the Benefits would outweigh the moral aspect due to various situations. Because morality should impact policy in human rights and equality but not in sacrifice of them.