Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9H7SXPCPeace and Freedom from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I think it is more just because everyone is treated equally, not based on how rich or poor you are, and the people get a say in anything that goes on. The government isn't a part of it, so many ideals and businesses won't be corrupted


It ignores individual effort because i everyone is equal no matter how hard they work why would anyone work hard.

 @9H7TZCKRepublican from Utah answered…6mos6MO

While the idea of Communism sounds like a brilliant idea, it is more directive and controlled by the government than anything. It allows the government to shape the economy the way they want, such as in Cuba. Individual effort is more ideal, because everyone should earn what they work for, and get opportunities based on their skill levels, unless they are disabled or elderly.

 @9H7VJH8 from Pennsylvania answered…6mos6MO

bro everyone is equal , the system that has been implanted has made it hard very hard for a certain demographic of people to earn a large lumpsome of funding and money. many are also tricked into a low vibrational frequency causing them to feel separated from abundance, the "goverment" also made systematic racism a thing.. targeting certain people keeping them stuck in a lack mindset.

 @9H7NS2MRepublican from Arkansas answered…6mos6MO