Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @9HXCM8K from Nebraska answered…5mos5MO

It has to start when they're young. All adults that deal with children regularly, must be educated about the harms of telling boys to "man up", "boys don't cry," etc.

 @9HXKYK3Independence from Texas disagreed…5mos5MO

people need to learn how to be strong and not take offence at everything but they need to learn to be empathetic

 @9HXDBFL from California answered…5mos5MO

The biggest opponent to men showing their "humanity" is other men. We have a culture of punching down on other men for walking a certain way, or painting their nails, or wearing jewelry or certain clothes. We push this expectation onto ourselves that we must all be the "invincible man" always willing and capable to do the impossible. Men often live and die by this code. But, in the process, we lose our sense of humanity. We must show the younger generation that it's okay to have, and express emotions, and to have a sense of individuality. We should encourage young men to do things that give them fulfillment instead of pushing old fashioned social norms onto them, or the cycle will continue

 @9HXCHVC from Georgia answered…5mos5MO

As a society i think we already doing better and ending the stigma around men showing emotions, i think if we stay the way we are, in the future there will be no stigma around it

 @9HYHG4P from Maryland agreed…5mos5MO

We are doing better, and in the future the stigma will certainly be gone or lessened. However, we can expedite that process by eliminating toxic masculinity—which harms both women and men in different ways—faster. There is no reason to simply wait with the progress we have already made, thus the answer should express that we should still work increasingly to make more progress on the issue.


I'm not sure how we as a society can work towards allowing men to feel more open with expressing their emotions because we've already tried our best to allow them to know that they're able to express their emotions in calm ways.

 @9HXK4P6 from Indiana agreed…5mos5MO

Yes, men do not open up because that is how society portayed them. If they do show emotions, they go out of the social norm and people will not like that.


We can participate in more things and be opened about doing things guys do to.