Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @VersatileGr33nPartyRepublican from California disagreed…1mo1MO

I don't support civilians being killed.

But I also don't say Israel has lost the high ground over what was obviously an accident. The US has had plenty of the same type incidents occur. These things do happen in war unfortunately.

We should call these incidents out when they happen, but you shouldn't make such a blanket statement like that.

 @MildRedistrictingGreenfrom Louisiana agreed…1mo1MO

When the IDF killed their own hostages with white flags, it could not be denied that the IDF are shooting everything that moves, whether it's policy, poor training or indiscipline it is evident and much too frequently occurring to put it mildly.

 @Elect0ralTomatoePeace and Freedom from North Carolina agreed…1mo1MO

If you support Israel you should not support the random killing of civilians. Israel is committing suicide with actions like this. Use your **** ing brain!

 @L3ftLeaningEllieSocialist from New York agreed…1mo1MO


What do you think motivates a country to engage in actions that could be construed as genocidal, and is there ever a justifiable reason?


How do you feel about the use of technology in warfare when it becomes a tool for terror rather than defense?


Do you believe any nation can justify using automated weapons to target specific groups, and what might be the limit to such actions?

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