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Opinion | Population and political power now rests in North Alabama…

That is why the census is taken ... I’m here to tell you the power advantage that South Alabama had in the Alabama legislature and state politics for over 100 years is gone. The political power in Alabama is all in North Alabama and rightfully so because ...


Population and political power now rests in north Alabama…

As a boy, I knew that the Birmingham area was home to about 20% of the state’s population, but certainly did not have a fifth of the House members. The


Why political power is shifting to north Alabama | INSIDE THE STATEHOUSE…

All eight of the most powerful members of the Legislature are from north of Birmingham. The political power in Alabama is in north Alabama because the population is in north Alabama..


How might the change in political power from South to North Alabama align or conflict with your values and priorities?


What are the potential risks and benefits of having one region dominate political decisions in a state?


How do you think the shift in political power to North Alabama may affect your future opportunities and quality of life?


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