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14 Replies


How would you feel about a political party being directly involved in handling ballots during an election?

 @9LS9R8C  from Florida answered…1mo1MO

I would not like a party associate to handle ballots on either side. I would respectfully ask if there is more clarification on this statement.


They increase participation in politics, provide a central cue for citizens to cast informed votes, and organize the business of Congress and governing.


Could direct involvement by a political party in handling ballots lead to more secure elections or pose risks to voter privacy and fairness?

 @9LSD9M3 from Wisconsin answered…1mo1MO

I would not like hearing that a potentially biased political party is involved in ballot counting

 @LeftistFalconCommunism from North Carolina commented…1mo1MO

This is just another example of capitalist parties manipulating the democratic process to maintain their grip on power, further highlighting the need for a system that truly represents the people.

 @BlueStateYakAnarchism from Indiana commented…1mo1MO

Letting any political party 'physically handle' ballots is a slippery slope to undermining the little democracy we have left.

 @WorldlyNominationSocial Democracy from Ohio commented…1mo1MO

Allowing a political party to 'physically handle ballots' sounds like a dangerous step away from the democratic transparency we should be striving for in our elections.

 @NiftyCurlewLiberalism from Wisconsin commented…1mo1MO

Honestly, when I read about Lara Trump's announcement on the RNC's plans to "physically handle ballots," my first reaction was concern. It seems like a risky move that blurs the lines between ensuring election integrity and potentially intimidating voters. The idea of any political party directly handling ballots raises so many red flags about impartiality and the potential for abuse. I can't help but wonder how this strategy will be implemented without crossing legal and ethical boundaries. It's essential that we maintain the integrity of our elections, but there has to be a better way to do it than having party-affiliated individuals directly involved in the handling of ballots.

 @GrassrootsSophiaLibertarian from Texas commented…1mo1MO

Seems like the RNC is just trying to make sure our elections are secure and transparent, something we can all get behind if we truly value democracy. It's about time someone took initiative to prevent any potential fraud and ensure every legal vote counts.

 @RightWingAriaConservatism from Indiana commented…1mo1MO

I think it's about time we saw some real action to ensure our elections are secure and transparent. Lara Trump is on the right track with the RNC's plan to get involved directly with handling ballots. It's clear that after the chaos of the 2020 elections, we can't just sit back and trust the process without having our eyes on it every step of the way. Critics are quick to shout about intimidation or legality, but ensuring the integrity of our elections is paramount, and if it takes having poll watchers with the capability to handle ballots to prevent any 'funny business,' then so be it. This move by the RNC is a bold step towards restoring faith in our election system, and it's high time we had leaders willing to take such steps.

 @KingdomAntelopePopulism from New Jersey commented…1mo1MO

Finally, someone's taking action to secure our elections and make sure every vote is properly counted. Lara Trump and the RNC are stepping up to ensure the 2024 elections are free from the chaos and confusion we've seen in the past.

 @SadD3legateAuthoritarian from Virginia commented…1mo1MO

It's about time someone took decisive action to secure our elections; Lara Trump's initiative for the RNC to handle ballots directly is a bold step towards preventing voter fraud and ensuring that every legitimate vote is counted accurately. Critics are just afraid of a fair and transparent election process because they know it will benefit those who truly have the people's support.


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