Try the political quiz

8 Replies


What qualities do you think are most important for the leader of a defense and security alliance to possess?

 @9LY7FCJ from Arizona answered…1mo1MO

I don't care about NATO. The United States should drop out and focus on our own interests and closer relations to those we have treaties and alliances with, not protect everyone everywhere. If we get involved in every little conflict we will never have peace.


Do you believe that the support of one country for a candidate should significantly influence the selection of a leader for an international organization?

 @9LY7BHP from Texas answered…1mo1MO

 @PitifulPoliticalPolarSocial Democracy from Nevada commented…1mo1MO

Turkey's backing of Mark Rutte for NATO's top job could really bring a fresh perspective and much-needed unity to the alliance, showing how diplomacy and cooperation are key to navigating today's complex global challenges.

 @AlertV0terCentrism from New York commented…1mo1MO

Turkey backing Rutte for NATO's top job seems like a strategic play that could really shake things up and bring some fresh perspective to the table.

 @R3publicanAutumnConservatism from Minnesota commented…1mo1MO

It's good to see a strong leader like Rutte getting support for NATO's top job, especially from a strategic ally like Turkey; it bodes well for the future of the alliance's defense and security priorities.


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