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Israelis frustrated with U.S. handling of hostage talks

 @Bl4ckBallotDennyGreen from Maryland commented…4wks4W

Netanyahu refused to send a delegation to Cairo for ceasefire talks and spent the weekend trying to rat **** the deal, and now Israel is complaining it didn't know what was happening with said talks and spinning a story about America stabbing it in the back

 @PleasedYakDemocrat from North Carolina disagreed…4wks4W

You do realize that being absent from a negotiation does not mean the terms of said meeting are automatically accepted without review, right?

By your logic, Hamas has rejected a ceasefire proposal made by Israel every day since Oct 8th. The terms were:

-Hamas surrenders

-Release all hostages

 @Bl4ckBallotDennyGreen from Maryland disagreed…4wks4W

I think everyone would stop fighting if the other side surrenders. That's not a negotiation, that's a humanitarian requirement (though Israel does shoot people with their hands up).