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19 Replies

 @AdoringFishDemocrat from Minnesota commented…4wks4W

Maybe this is just me, but I get the impression that Xi is smarter than Putin. Putin's a psychopathic revanchist who wants to reconstruct the USSR. Xi seems more of a geopolitical strategist, as well as "just a dictator". Witness Xi's attitude toward Taiwan. He hasn't just rushed in to invade the place the way Putin invaded Ukraine. And, yes, I'm factoring in the differences between those two military situations.

The net result of this IQ difference is that Xi will never embrace Putin as a complete brother-and-equal. He'll always treat Putin as just another cog in his machine, to be used as necessary, and ignored as necessary.

 @OcelotTonyAmerican Solidarityfrom Arizona commented…4wks4W

Xi will report back to Putin on his recent trip to Europe and how he used Macron to kind of blurring up the real motive of his visit on the Old Continent which was to show the world that Hungary and Serbia are into China/Russia’s orbit. Xi will then ask his western province governor to report back on the progress of his military adventure and what he can do to help.

 @P4rtisanMareRepublican from Georgia commented…4wks4W

What would happen if Putin's plane "mysteriously" crashed, like Prigozhin's did? Wouldn't that have an immediate impact on the war on Ukraine and send a strong message to the rest of the autocrats?

Obviously not suggesting anything, just asking.

 @CatMariaLibertarian from Texas commented…4wks4W

The autocrats of the world getting together and getting aligned, while the democratic world still living in a la la land, "playing by the rules", worried about "escalation", and not realising what is coming and not being able to get their act together to defend themselves.

 @ChicMooseDemocrat from Hawaii disagreed…4wks4W

The 'democratic world' (aka the US and most of Europe because the rest of the democratic world are more civilised and far less hypocritical), have lost finally and conclusively the relative moral high-ground they had by supporting the genocide in Gaza.

Laws and norms are being trampled with impunity and everyone sees this now, so the jungle it will be and it's all thanks to the breathtaking hypocrisy of some western leaders

 @GranolaLillianDemocratfrom New Jersey commented…4wks4W

What's on agenda - espionage techniques. IP theft. How to work around sanctions. How to hide money trail. How to spread disinformation in the west. How to suppress own population. How to print false GDP and other economic data. How to commit mass murder in neighboring nations and in selective provinces in their own nation.

How to unleash talking point messengers onto western forums.

How to fund DonCon. Make sure he comes to power to bail them out.

 @B1partisanFaithVeteranfrom Minnesota disagreed…4wks4W

And on the agenda for Biden and Netanyahu's next meeting:

- How to kill more children

- How to injure more innocent men, women and children

- How to destroy the last vestiges of society in Gaza

- How to steal more Palestinian land

- How to build more settlements

- How to solve the contradiction of a supporting Israel's genocidal behaviour whilst condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine

- How to blame more of the world's ills on 'Khamas'

- How to dehumanise Palestinians further

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…4wks4W

If Israel is trying to kill more children and women, it is doing it in the stupidest, strangest, least efficient possible way – warning them of their predicament and spending money EVACUATING THEM from the war zone. If they were truly these savages and dogs you make them out to be, they'd drop a Nuclear Bomb on Gaza and Rafah and call it a done deal.


What are your feelings about the use of economic strategies to navigate through international sanctions?

 @9MGCHK5Republican from Montana answered…4wks4W

The world is so out of touch with reality they forget why they are fighting or having any issues between eachother. No country is advanced enough to rule any more territory then they have.


In what ways do you believe strong partnerships between countries like Russia and China can impact the world?

 @9MGCNNM from Florida answered…4wks4W

 @9MGCHK5Republican from Montana answered…4wks4W

I think the relationship between the two can be deadly and impact the world for the worst.

 @9MGBSZLDemocrat from Montana answered…4wks4W

 @9MG9XRR from Massachusetts answered…4wks4W

They will influence the world negatively and try to push their authoritarian views on him.


How do you perceive the ethical implications of a country helping another increase its military capabilities?


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