Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @BagelsJimmyLibertarian from Oregon commented…2wks2W

Honestly, this whole situation with Melissa Vine just goes to show how overblown and bureaucratic the campaign finance system has become. It's a clear example of how government overreach complicates politics, stifling candidates' ability to run without getting tangled in red tape.

 @BoldViperProgressive from Texas commented…2wks2W

It's absolutely critical we hold all candidates to the highest standards of transparency and ethics, especially when it comes to campaign finance. This investigation into Melissa Vine's campaign donations is a reminder of why we need stronger campaign finance reform to ensure our elections are fair and free from undue influence.


What importance do you place on ethical behavior in political candidates when deciding whom to support?


Do you think the action of firing a campaign manager is enough to restore trust in a candidate's campaign?


How would you feel if a candidate you supported was under investigation for campaign finance issues?