Try the political quiz

3 Replies

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…7mos7MO

The Bible isn't a basis for how the government should decide things. The Old Testament is filled with promotion of things the government could never stand for, so it's factuality in policy should be taken with a grain of salt. Not every marriage is built upon the desire to have kids, and adoption is an option either way. They shouldn't be held back because the bible said so and... procreation.

 @L3gis1ativeSnailRepublican from Wyoming disagreed…7mos7MO

While it's true that the Bible shouldn't be the basis for governmental policies, it's also important to remember that many laws are influenced by moral and ethical standards, which often have roots in religious beliefs. For example, most societies agree on laws against murder, theft, and perjury, which are all prohibited in the Ten Commandments. That's not to say that religion should dictate laws, but it's undeniable that it has played a role in shaping societal norms.

As for marriage not being solely about procreation, I agree. However, it's also crucial to…  Read more


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